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Instructions for Site Privacy
An overview of site privacy policies under EU data protection directives and best practices (e.g. non-disclosure) (e.g. what you can do with your data) (e.g. what should you do with it) (e.g. what kind of people should you show there?) (e.g. what are the limits of what data you can share or sell with whom?) (e.g. whether you have to give your consent if a third party sells your data? - and if not, where is it going?)
I strongly encourage you to read these articles and any documents that you find of interest. If you find that your organization does not have an Information Privacy Policy, please contact us for help. The information below covers most of the privacy policies of reputable websites, and we should be considered conservative estimates. Learn more about your site's requirements by contacting your compliance officer or by talking to someone at the company about the Privacy Policy. If you found a privacy policy you do not like, please do not leave it behind - send us a written complaint; you can contact us through email at
Identity information
Any user who provides a third party with access to their profile or who creates a record relating to the profile, information about the profile (name, profile picture, status (Privacy Policy), friend list, etc.) are not permitted to use the page without our permission. No user should be able to:
Consent to any change in the use of the page.
Use or otherwise disclose the profile or user information, image or data without our permission.
Use or create a record relating to a profile, image or data without our permission.
Copy and paste your personal information in response to login requests.
Extract any feature or a user comment using the user's profile.
Presumably, this is meant to cover what happens to your profile, image and comments when you log in to other websites. That being said, it could just be a general set of policy rules, such as putting your in-box on the outside of the page or something technical.
Password Protection
Our Password Security Policy addresses the information that the Site is required to keep about and request from users during their use of the Site. If there is a problem with an existing Password and how you describe the password to Site administrators, you should also provide them with this information. The Password is encrypted in our Secure Socket Layer and in other secured and non-secure locations throughout the Site. These are protected from unauthorized access, and security protocols require us to provide the password to those who want to use your account and log in. If you are unable to provide the correct password, you should not log in to the Site.
Wi-Fi Login and Wipe Information
The Site is required to provide the key or master password to the user or third party upon request. This password is a combination of two letters (a sequence of letters and numbers) and the name or official employee of the Company. Default passwords include the option to reset, rather than cancel or roll over the password. Wipe your passwords after use and whenever you move to a new computer (e.g. choose a new operating system or installed an app on your old computer).
EDIT: The copyright on this article and any other materials presented herein belongs to its author. None of the authors, employees, assigns, successors, assigns or assigns of the above (collectively, "Authors") is responsible for any change of date, time or manner of distribution. This article has been excerpted from
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